Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Go Team Shorty Shorts!

On Wednesday, April 14th I was reading the Salt Lake Tribune wherin I saw a map of the Salt Lake City Marathon. A gentle thought came into my head and said "I should run in the marathon". grew like a tumor until it became irresistible. Thursday after my classes I went and signed up, not for the 5k or the Half Marathon or the bike marathon (25 pansy miles) but for the full 26.2 miles.
I hadn't been training for a marathon, but I have been running about 3-5 miles twice a week for a few months, so I figured that even though I wouldn't be well prepared, at least I wouldn't be totally unprepared. Besides, if there's anything that I learned in the Marines, it is that running is all in the mind. I'm not going to let a little pain in my feet or legs or back keep me from being awesome!
I woke up early Saturday morning, put on some anti-chafing stick and my Marine Corps Silkies and ran the marathon. I finished in 5 hours 7 minutes and 55 seconds. I was sore for a few days, but it was worth it. I remember vividly telling myself many times between miles 18 and 25 that "I'm never going to do this again!", but I am...and I'm going to shave off at least 30 minutes, I mean...5 hours? I can totally beat that.