Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's time for more pictures. First we have Jacob and the next one is Karl. They are playing on swings. It looks to me like it's at the sportsmans park in Aberdeen (we always called it the boat dock) By the way, those shorts that Jake is wearing were hand-me-downs from Jeremy and I. Those are some groovy looking shorts.


Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

Your the coolest Andy, keep 'em coming!

fivelive said...

love Jacobs hair. More pictures please

fivelive said...

where are the girls pic?

Celest said...

I love the pictures. I remember the days when we were all kids and just played. Good Times.

jjmonkeys said...

I think I'm going to make some more of those shorts that are longer and give them to all the brothers for some occasion. JJ